
Very tasty sweet and sour tropical fruit.
Mangosteens are 6-8cm wide, deep red purple in colour when ripe.
Inside contains 4-8 segments similar to tangerine but white, larger segments contain seeds.
Used mostly to produce juice but can be eaten raw.

Your thoughts…

  1. The Purple Mangosteen is known as the Queen of Tropical Fruits. It normally has the most sublime flavour, delicate soft creamy. However it sometimes has a yellow component in the fruit which is somewhat bitter. We think it develops as a result of stress and it makes the fruit undesirable. The fruit makes a Port style wine that is supreme to most other ports we have ever had or made. Very subtle, soft, creamy delicate flavour.
    Tony Woodall. Shannonvale Tropical Fruit Winery.

    EDITOR. Please advise if you don’t want these sorts of responses.

  2. Hi Margot,
    Tony Woodall here again. Thinking a little deeper about your comments re the Mangosteen fruit. I think you are confused between the Purple Mangosteen and the Yellow Mangosteen. The Purple Mangosteen is as described in my first response but the Yellow Mangosteen is as described by your comments but your photos are of the Purple Mangosteen. I’ll send you photos of the Yellow Mangosteen if you tell me how.
    The Yellow Mangosteen makes a very interesting “sweet and sour” dessert style wine and the flavour is unique.
    Cheers, Tony Woodall. Shannonvale Tropical Fruit Winery.

  3. Tony – I love your comments on the fruits, they are very informative.
    I don’t think I mistaken yellow and purple mangosteen, the one seen on the pictures is the only one I know and tasted. I would love to see how the yellow one looks like, I will contact you by email. Thank you.

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